That's my Maria

In the early years of our dating I always hoped to take her out each time I visited her, so we could talk freely (as in the house we were under surveillance) however, she kept saying that she didn't feel well that day. So, it was like, not today but maybe tomorrow. This kept on for a few times and after a while I got that feeling of rejection and wondered if it was time to call it quits as we were not making any headway. I tried to do all I could to make her happy, but it didn’t seem to work out, which made me feel that maybe it was not meant to be.
One day after hearing this again, I told her I was going home and left, and although I did not mention to her, my intentions were not to return, as I needed to reboot.
I left her house hurt and walked down the first flight of stairs. As I was about to leave the building, I don't know what came over her and she came running to the stairs and said “Lawrie”……I looked back and she stood there and said “don’t leave me”
I don’t know where she got that from, because I had not mentioned to her that I wasn’t coming back.
My heart melted and I didn't move or say anything for a moment trying to process what just happened. Then, I looked up at her, and told her that I would be back. I realized that she was going through some home issues at the time, but I was hoping they would be dealt with at each next visit.

With my heart rebooted at the stairs, I then decided not to leave her, but to be there for her no matter what, not expecting much, but giving all my care, support and time.
I knew later on that it was a great investment and I got more than I expected from her, always caring for me and my well being and a great support in my rejections and hurts from others.
We did have our ups and downs but being together for 45 years says it all. She was a big blessing in my life. I cannot even imagine what those 45 years would have been for me without Maria and so I always tried to make a difference in her life.
Trip to Goa by ship
On another note, we travelled by ship - Konkan Sevak from Bombay to Goa. We arrived at the docks late and saw that the ropes were untied and the boat was drifting, but the stern of the boat was still touching the dock, so we jumped in and made it.

On arrival in Goa, I accompanied her to her house in Aldona, rested for a while, and then headed to my relative's place in Nagoa where I had to spend my 10 vacation days.
I missed Maria already. I would sit in the veranda and my eyes were focused outside on the people passing by and the trees and nature. However, my mind was wondering in the direction of what Maria was doing. One day as I was looking through the trees, I saw this figure approaching the house and it resembled Maria. It seemed like a dream as she was not expected there, but as it got closer I realized I wasn't dreaming. It was Maria making her way through the fields. I was overjoyed. I didn't know how she figured out her way, as traveling alone and finding places in Goa at the time was not easy. I guess she missed me as much as I did her. Later, she told me that her mother accompanied her from Aldona to the Nagoa bus stop. It made our day also got the opportunity to introduce her to my relatives in Goa.
A star is born
Among her many talents were her arts and crafts. Very patiently she stitched a christening dress and being a perfectionist, worked on it 3 days and nights. It wasn't even worth the amount she was paid, but made sure she gave her best as always. The same case with making a Bombay bamboo star - a few days in the making, but not a flaw. It's now too precious to discard and so far, I make sure it goes up every Christmas season.
Wrapping presents was another speciality. It took careful measurements and precision. I always remarked that once the person received it, they would just rip if off, not regarding the effort entailed. However she wanted it to look right - her best. At times she would even re-do the ones I already wrapped. What the............! Every Christmas in Dubai, she volunteered to wrap 100s of gifts for the childrens' christmas tree function.
She created her wedding veil and crown, which became part of her final dressing.

Star in the making, christening dress, Christmas wall decor, Her wedding veil and crown
So that was my Maria and I do hope you enjoyed reading as much as I had fun putting it together. As always appreciate your feedback/comments and if you missed the previous snips, go to if you have not subscribed.
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